Friday, October 2, 2015

Endtime Signs - Part 3

There are a number of facts that strongly suggest that Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio(Pope Franics) could be the last pope. He was elected on 13.03.2013, the whole numbers when totaled gives 13. He is also the first Jesuit pope, is first non-European pope in nearly 1,300 years and the first pope to be elected from America(Latin America).

In the similar way summing up the ASCII code for BERGOGLIO gives out 666, could this have to be a co incidence?

The St. Peter’s Church at Vatican was struck by Lightning the very day his predecessor Benedict XVI resigned from his office, who was the second pope to resign from office in 600years.

A poetic prophecy known as the Prophecy of Popes also indicates Pope Francis to be the last one, the prophecy was penned down by an 12th century priest called St. Malachy as a record of a vision he saw concerning the future of the Roman Catholic Church. The prophecy consists a list of 112 descriptions about papal succession, which have proved to be very accurate in fitting with past 111 popes.

You will find the list of popes on this link:
And the prophecy of the popes here:

The prophecy describes the last pose as being Peter the Roman; while there is no obvious connection of Pope Francis with this name. However the Papal name that Jorge Mario Bergoglio chose for himself was taken in honor to St.Francis of Assisi, whose original name was Giovanni di Pietro di Bernardone; Pietro is Italian for Peter. In addition to that, Pope Francis’ family background is Italian, His parents had migrated to Argentina from Italy, the birth place of the Roman Empire.
One thing that I found astounding was the Pope indirectly referring himself as Peter, by addressing the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew saying ’My brother Andrew’.

Time will tell whether or not Francis is the last one. In a statement made last year he said that he had few years to live, I have a reason to doubt if he meant the span of his humane side.
Doves released by the pope with the help of two kids as a symbol of peace at the time of the Ukrainian Crisis were attacked by a Sea Gull and a Crow .

We already see that there are a number of 6’s related to the Pope’s visit to the United states. An article published by Yahoo today summed up his itinerary as 3 states, 18 stops, 6 days. 18 divided by 3 gives 6.

He landed on the United States last evening, where he will be addressing the senate and the house on a joint session of the US General Assembly tomorrow and then the UN Assembly on 25th on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the United Nations . He being the 266th pope, is there on the 266th day of the year.

What is interesting to note about this visit is that he landed on the US soil on the Day of Atonement(Yom Kippur) and will leave on the Feast of Tabernacles(sukkot), i.e the day of the blood moon.

2015 could prove be a turning in history for being the Jubilee for the Bride, as it has been 50 years since 1965.And also because 23'rd September 2015, i.e today, marks the beginning of the Super Shemitah which is the Jubilee for the Jews. Today(September 23rd) is also the fall equinox when the day and night are of equal length and so are the seasons opposite on either side of the equator.

Bro. Branham referring to the Antichrist in person as a Superman caught my attention recently, when that very word was used to hype Pope Francis’ revolutionary attitude. Although the pope has turned down the title saying he is just a normal person. The term was first used when an artist painted a graffiti in a street near Vatican picturing Pope Francis as a superman, with the typical superman flying pose donned in his papal vesture with his cape flying on the back.
“ Notice, this rider is nothing but SATAN’S SUPER MAN, a incarnate devil. He's a educated genius. Now, I hope you got your ears open. ………… The whole world's wanting a superman; they're going to get it. Just wait till the Church goes up, and Satan's cast out. He'll incarnate. That's right. They want somebody who can really do the job; he'll do it. Educated… This is the Satan's superman with education, with wisdom, with church theology of his own word, of his own making, and he rides his white denominational horse to deceive the people. And he will conquer every religion of the world, 'cause they've all going into the confederation of—of the—of churches and the world confederation of churches. And they already got their buildings built and everything setting right in line. There ain't one thing left. Every denomination's stuck right into it, the federation of churches. And what's backing it? Rome. And the pope's now crying, "We're all one. Let's come together and walk together." Bro. W.M Branham (63-0318 - The First Seal)

“Like a whole lot like our denominations of today, our denominations are looking for a superman. Our nation is looking for a superman. Russia is looking for a superman. The eastern world is looking for one. The U.N. is looking for one. The churches are looking for one. But what kind of a one are they looking for?” Bro. W.M Branham (63-1127 - The World Is Again Falling Apart)


The beast system is taking shape and every prophecy is falling right in its place. It won’t be long until the council begins to tighten up.

And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.
(Luke 21:28)

“And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares. For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth. Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.”
(Luke 21:34-36)

I’m not trying to promote a hearsay,instill fear or voice my own opinion but I’m trying to present out the facts and correlating them with the times we are living in. There is nothing to fear as a Christian, for the ones who is Christ have already passed from death to life.

I am not counting myself out cause I’m no better than anybody, a sinner saved by grace, I’ll have to run my race as you will have to run yours. It is very necessary that we redeem our time and get cleared of anything that is keeping us from being closer to God.

There are signs all over, UFO’s and fearful sights everywhere. Every signpost, every passing second is testifying of the coming of the Lord being near. Never before I had heard about thousands of birds falling off dead from the sky, never before had I heard millions of fish jumping ashore and dying.
Everything is out of place, everything of order, the tares are being bundled up, and men’s hearts are failing for fear. There is no safety nowhere, there is no place where peace could be found. The safest place I reckon is under the atoning blood of Lord Jesus Christ. There is joy there is peace, there is victory.
Do not settle for a church membership, do not settle for a sensation, do not settle for emotions or anything that the world has to give, let not anything stop you not until you’ve got the token: The Holy Ghost.

I’d earnestly request that if there’s anybody without, to let go of everything and surrender your life to God. No matter what you’ve been through, He is always willing to let you in and make you His son or daughter. Dry eyed repentance won’t work, there won’t be no revival, no awakening, no born again experience unless we are willing to let God break us once again; so that he can mold us unto the vessel of His desire.
The devil might be trying to get you to give up saying ‘Oh, you are not good enough’ or you have done this or done that, but remember one thing friend; none of us is good enough. The devil is just doing his duty, he is an accuser; all you need to do is to do yours.

Lord Jesus Said “For I say unto you, That except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven”( Matthew 5:20)
How could us gentiles exceed the righteousness of the strictest group of people? When the disciples expressed their concern about salvation being tough, after the Lord’s meeting with the rich young man. He replied to them saying “With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.”

Nothing can we do to save ourselves but to accept what the Lord already did for us. For a Christian Life is not of struggle but of rest, and it is Him doing the works. If you have been trying to dress up in a manufactured holiness or your own doing, without it being His Holiness, it is perhaps like trying to stick fruits instead of bearing them. The only wedding garment that qualifies for the marriage supper is the one sent by the Bridegroom; so it His righteousness and His Holiness, Him and Him alone; Let all glory go to the Lamb!
We are without excuse brethren, we have come to know the message and now have been witnessing the fulfillment of End Time Prophecies at an unprecedented rate. Everything happening around us and all that we have come across point to the imminent return of the Lord; therefore rather than being a busy bodies in others matters, grudging, fussing and fighting, lets lay aside every weight and be filled with the love of God.

Why are we so much concerned about the things and cares of the world? for a life of less than a hundred years; when there is eternity laying in wait?
I wouldn't be surprised if somebody says "The end times will come on its own, whatever happens; it doesn't make any difference". You are at you free will sir, I'll not try to convince you. I can prove nothing to you.
To leave this earth now or to die for Christ is a good thing, but to live for Him a little longer is worth more.Why wouldn't a believer like to live for Him another hundred years?
But the world is so full of sin and hypocrisy and there's is none that lends their ear, there is none that seeks Him. I'm glad that the days are cut short and thank God for those who do.

This world has already had the greatest of all signs, the revealing of The Son of Man in A Son of Man, the Messenger for the last church age. The next was what? Judgement. It is later than we think, brethren!
"....When we see every sign moving, pointing towards the coming of the Lord, it ought to make every minister start fasting and praying and saying, "God what must I do next? For we are near the end time." It's time that we got down and realized we mustn't just lust along and loaf along as if we were the carefree, come-easy, go-easy. We should be a wide awake. And it seems like that such things as today, earthquakes shaking, even plaster dropping from the walls and buildings sending up great smoke or dust screens up like mushrooms, and so forth, it ought to bring us to the realization that the coming of the Lord is at hand. And when we see the church of the living God indifferent, and infatuated with the world, and lost it's love of Christ, and has become so denominational-minded, and barriers and so forth among us, it ought to be milestones to let us realize that we're at the end of the road."
Bro. W.M Branham(57-0322 - Hear Ye Him)


Nations are breaking, Israel is awakening,
The signs that the Bible foretold;
The Gentile days numbered,
with horrors encumbered;
Return, O dispersed, to your own.

The day of redemption is near,
Man's hearts are failing for fear;
Be filled with God's Spirit,
have your lamps trimmed and clear,
Look up, your redemption is near!

Your Brother in Christ,        
Arpan Chhetri
N.B: If you are not familiar with the message of the hour or Bro. Branham, some of the terms used here might seem alien to you, please let us know if you have any queries.

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