Though there is much more to a Christian life, the Ten Commandments still represent the foundational laws of God. A United States Court has yet again defied God by passing a legislation demanding the removal of the Ten Commandments monument that stands in Oklahoma City with a month’s time.
And there have been reports about the Satanic Temple planning to set up the Baphometh(Satan) statue opposite the Ten Commandment monument. The Baphometh Statue is a goat headed statue of the Devil which they unveiled back in July in an undisclosed ceremony in Detroit . Quite Ironically, It is what they believe to be a symbol of true religious freedom.
And just around the same time the US Judiciary made the culpable adjustment in the marriage laws of the United States of America. The legalization of Gay marriage has proved how apostate the world has become. The height of blasphemy carried out by Gay Parades will make you realize that the World is ripe for judgment. People are coming out in the streets celebrating Sexual Freedom, the filthiest of all the acts of insults to God that people have made has been carried out in the last few months; where people from LGBT communities mocked the crucifixion of Jesus Christ by hanging half naked men and women publicly on the cross. Wiping the rear with the pages of the Bible and many other heinous acts of mocking.
Having come to know all these, what on earth could we think can keep the wrath of God falling, save His mercy?
There is a lot of difference between the wrath of God after the Rapture and the temporal warning judgments. The disasters happening now are nothing but divine signs cautioning about the wrath and Judgment of God.
Israel is God’s timepiece for us Gentiles to know the time we are living in. Looking at the events unfolding in, around and in relation to Israel gives us a clear indication of the end of the dispensation of grace for the Gentiles.
As we know that the Feast of trumpets preceded the Day of Atonement. The trumpets were to call the Jews for the Day of Atonement. Fulfilling the type of the Old Testament, the increasing hatred and rejection serving as a catalyst has compelled the Jews to be back to Israel. Following the reestablishment of Israel hordes of Jews have been migrating back to their homeland.
God knows who is His, and the ones that are meant to be saved will be there.
In the recent years the Jews have been making many attempts to find ways to restore the Glory of Israel.
The Temple Institute which is responsible to carry out measures to usher the reconstruction of the temple has been carrying out historic efforts like recreating the Temple’s articles and training Levi Priests to carry out sacrifices and to minister the people. Over 70 of the temple’s artifacts including the Golden Menorah, High Priest’s breastplate, Arch of Covenant etc. have been recreated according to the specifications in the Torah. In the last few years they were on a lookout for a red heifer in other countries, like the US. Realizing the waste of time and other factors, the concerned officials have set up a farm under the supervision of a rancher in Israel, to raise a perfect red heifer to fit all the Levitical standards. They have relied upon technological advancements for a more favorable outcome. Red heifer’s ashes are a prerequisite for purification of the people who ascend the temple mount and the temple grounds for the reconstruction of the third temple.
The architectural plans and blueprints are out already, the Jews had to cry for almost 2000 years to get to where they are now. It won't be long till the two witnesses(Revelation 11:3-12); i.e Moses and Elijah, appear on the scene. http://
The only thing hindering the reconstruction of the temple is the Islamic occupation of the Temple mount, regarded as the most controversial site in existence. It is the location where the first to temples stood, which is now spanned by the Mosque of Omar and the Dome of Rock.
The hostile Arabs will not accept the demolishment of the mosque of Omar and Al Aqsa , therefore it will take either a war or a peace agreement.
The situation is very critical and there is uncertainty and war lingering along Israel’s borders.
The present crisis in the Middle East will do nothing but mount further pressure on Israel.
If you speculate on the positioning of Israel in its present conditions, you’ll realize that it is surrounded by warmongers who are far more hostile and powerful than they were back during the 60’s. Though Israel is far more equipped to face the threats, we have to understand that the in’s and out’s will carry on till the War of Gog and Magog (on this side of the millennium) when then foes of Israel will perish at the return of the Lord with His bride.
Bro. Branham at times exclaimed “Watch Russia!” Knowing that the King of the North will be a role player in bringing the War of Ezekiel 38, 39.
Russia has been supplying weapons to the Syrian regime which was also backed by Hezbollah(Lebanon based jihad group) to suppress the militant opposition carried out by the Syrian Liberation Army and a number of other rebel groups.
According to reports this past week it seems like Russia has found the perfect time to infiltrate the Oil rich grounds of the Middle East in a pretense to vanquish the Islamic State. There are reports concerning the Russian plan of jointly carrying out operations to pacify the opposition, a Russian military base is already being setup as a first step towards middle east advancement. Russia is already of the greatest threats to the Us and could be among them who Nuke it during the tribulation.Russia will now prove to be a bigger challenge to the United States which has been supporting the rebel groups in Syria, to fight against the regime of Bashar al-Assad (Syrian president).
Hezbollah has already made an announcement of pulling out of Syria; so for now, it appears to be REBELS (SLA) + US VS SYRIAN REGIME + RUSSIA but soon could end up being US vs RUSSIA.
Can you realize the time we are living in, friends?
One of the reasons that God created the Sun, the Moon and the Stars was for signs. "And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for SIGNS, and for seasons, and for days, and years" (Genesis 1:14)
Concerning the signs Lord Jesus Christ said "And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;"(Luke 21:25)
And God spake through Prophet Joel saying thus:
"And I will shew wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke. The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the LORD come." (Joel 2:30-31)
"And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh." (Luke 21:28)
The blood moon tetrads have proven to have significant effect on Israel and the world in last 2000 years.
Now what does a tetrad mean? In simple words tetrads refer to groups of four.
Therefore Blood moon tetrad means 4 full Lunar eclipses occurring back to back, one after the other in a relatively short space of time.
But the unusual thing about the blood moon eclipses during a tetrad is that they occur consecutively with a gap of roughly 6 months one from the other.
NASA’s record on the blood moons when tallied by scholars with Jewish Feast days led to a startling discovery. They realized that the past seven tetrads had fallen exactly on Jewish Feast days, and it was the same with the one falling in 2014 and ’15.
Among the seven the last three had a dramatic impact on Jewish people.
(1) The 1493–94 tetrad occurred roughly around the time of Spanish inquisition that led to the expulsion of the Jews from Spain. In the year 1492 King Ferdinand & Queen Isabella of Spain ordered all Jewish People to leave Spain which after 200 AD had become a second Jewish homeland. The blood moons marked the the expulsion of the entire Jewish Population from Spain, who despite being tortured, refused to accept Catholicism during the Inquisition.
It was in 1493 that Christopher Columbus discovered America which later became a haven for the Jews. The blood moons marked the events that started with a nightmare for the Jews and later ended in triumph.
(2) The Sixth tetrad of total lunar eclipses on the Jewish Passover and Feast of Tabernacles (Succoth) occurred during the years 1949-1950.
The blood moons marked the chain of events that took place in Israel during the late fifties.
On 14th of May 1948 the Israelis declared themselves as a nation. The very next day the armies of Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon and Iraq invaded the country.
*The Israeli defense forces though being a newly formed army reacted with fierce retaliation in an intermittent fighting that lasted for 15 days, which is better known as the Israeli war of Independence.
*Even though the Israelis declared themselves as a nation in 1948, the first permanent government took office on January 25th 1949. Following which there were negotiations carried out between Israel and the invading countries except Iraq. Israel retained its independence but lost control of some of its land to Jordan and Egypt.
(3)The seventh tetrad of blood moons that coincided with Jewish feast days like the Passover and The feast of Tabernacles was that of 1967-1968. Israel's enemies had made up their plans to wipe off Israel from the face of earth but they couldn’t succeed. The old lines of ceasefire were replaced with new ones and Israel regained complete control over Jerusalem and the regions that it had lost 19 years before.
And the one occurring on 28th of September is the last blood moon of the eighth tetrad. The number ‘Eight’ symbolizes new beginnings. The Lord rose on the eighth day. 2nd Peter 2:5 states that Noah was the eighth person in the Ark and also that Genesis 17:12 records circumcision being performed on the eighth day.
Will this bring a time of distress upon Israel and end with a triumph again. It will! A treaty again? or perhaps the switching of the grace back to the Jews. Can you see the time we are living in brethren?
Some of the effects that this tetrad has already made can identified as the rise in antisemitism, christian persecution in the middle east, the rise of ISIS, Gaza War(between Israeli Military and Hamas) and the the Refugee Crisis. This could also lead to a complete physical restoration of Israel by the construction of the Third Jewish temple.
Unlike the last two tetrads which were either visible from Israel or from the US, this last blood moon of the eighth tetrad will be visible from both the countries.
Could this mean an escalation on the temple building mission on Israeli side and the formation on the One World System in the US?
The Iran nuclear deal that is being finalized will remove the obstructions on the way of Iran to achieve its Nuclear ambitions, which is certainly not a good thing for Israel. http://
With the nearing of the oncoming blood moon riots have sparked off again on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, with Hamas once again has targeting Israel with rockets. And this is also falling around the time when the UN and the US could possibly be deciding on a two state solution for Israel and Palestine.
The UN and the United States have decided to impose their sanctions on Israel regarding the two state solution, whether or not that becomes possible, the Arabs will try their best not to lose their grip on Jerusalem.
Fifty years ago, the prophet of God for this last age indicted this generation for the second crucifixion of Jesus Christ. The handwriting is on the wall one more time, the people have raised their defiance by their unbelief, creeds and self righteousness.The United States was blessed because its founding fathers built the country based on the laws governed by the Bible, because it harbored the Jews during the last 500 years and had been upholding Israel. But now they have held their back God by letting down the bars and are undermining the cause of Israel.
Summing up the recent developments we can be sure of one thing that there time for the the deliverance of Israel has come and that we are witnessing the last minutes of the gentile dispensation.The doors are closing, we should make sure that we are in and not shut out. May the Lord help us.
California is shaking intermittently. Some would say 'Uh' California is already the second most seismically active regions in the United States, so the quakes are obvious. Well friend, I have no problem with you but the thing is that, there'll come soon 'The Big One' that'll slide Los Angeles into the ocean.
I would also caution those who are waiting upon Los Angeles to sink saying "Oh! brother there's nothing to be desperate about, the prophet said that LA would sink first. Oh, yes certainly it will slide into the ocean for the stock of filth, the brooding den of immorality, for it is a prophecy. But brother, the moment you realize that Los Angeles is gone could be too late for you.
California has now already hit a 500 year record drought and with the Wildfires still raging there, people should consider these as a warning of something bigger that is yet to come.
Regardless of what happens and what doesn’t we have to keep striving for perfection and for the faith once delivered unto the saints.
About the sixth vision the prophet told that he saw a beautiful woman rising to power in the United States, which he thought would either be a President or the Catholic church.
Bro. Branham used the words “In voting, they'd elect the wrong person” a number of times to denote the election of President Kennedy (democrat), It seems now that they are going to repeat the same mistake by electing Hillary Clinton(democrat) and fulfilling the prophecy.
Republicans do have some good conservative values but we can’t see any good coming up in a nation that has turned its back to God. Democrats have the edge in getting better on the score cards, for being pro-abortion, pro-gay and other liberal agendas.
Though Trump has got a bunch on his side for being outspoken and resilient, but is also being strongly criticized for being self centered and narcissistic. While Ben Carson is being favored by some conservative Christians, you couldn’t expect him to make the lag, ending up dividing the votes. Quite Interestingly another lady candidate Carly Fiorina has started getting better scores following a popular debate speech, but she is yet to far from the frontline. Even after the hurdles brought up by the Email Scandal, Hillary Clinton is still leading the nationwide opinion polls, and if not convicted she could end up being the first woman president and the last American president.
You can find updated data from the different opinion polling platforms here:
Separate rankings for the Republican and Democrat candidates are also available.
I'm not ruling out the possibility of the Roman Catholic church rising to power in the United States, which it already is. But there also may rise a literal woman, as we are now witnessing.
And I predict that a woman will either be President, or do, or come into great power of some sort in the United States before the total annihilation of the world. Keep that in mind, and I have said it.
Bro. W.M Branham (57-0120E - God Keeps His Word)
"But there'll be a powerful woman. Now, remember, this is on tape too. A powerful woman, great woman, she'll either be President, or it'll be a woman representing the Catholic church (which I think it is) will take over here someday and she'll rule this country. This nation is a woman's nation. Flag was made by a woman; it's number thirteen. She started out, thirteen stars, thirteen stripes, thirteen colonies. Everything's thirteen, thirteen, thirteen, right on down. Thirteen stars on her silver dollar now. Everything's a thirteen. It's number thirteen, and appears in the 13th chapter of Revelations: completely thirteen. Everything is "woman, woman, woman, woman, woman," right on down. And she took over all the offices. She's took over Hollywood. She's took over the nation. She's took over the offices. She's took over everything there is; equal rights with the man, votes with the man, cusses like a man, drinks like a man, anything else. And the--just bait for the Catholic church, for the worship of a woman... And it finally end up, I predicted, a woman will control her. Bro. W.M Branham (THE.LAODICEAN.CHURCH.AGE_
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