Friday, October 2, 2015

Endtime Signs - Part 1

Enough of writing AlDub for now.  I am thinking of writing about Kalye Serye again but this one is a better topic and worth sharing.  May you be blessed upon reading this.  It isn't too late to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Earthquakes in various places take place daily.  Rumors of war/strife here and there. Pope Francis signing a New World Order. Blood moon appearance coinciding with Jewish Feast of Tabernacle. Same sex marriage getting accepted in the US and other countries (type of Sodom and Gomorrah). And a lot more.

A Christian brother has compiled these signs/events and its significance in the Bible.  I am reposting it here.

    We cannot deny the fact that the increase in the occurrence of End time events have led to a stir among the people. Though there are many out on Social media dating out doomsday and other such things without a proper order or placement, the pace at which these things are happening is alarming and cannot be taken lightly.

    I've tried my best to present the facts to you, not overemphasizing or exaggerating but pointing onto the events made clear by prophecy.

    The Message of the hour gives us a clear picture of the chain of events occurring before Armageddon and the setting up of the Millennial reign. We have to be sure about one thing that the earth will not be burnt out all of sudden, but there are a chain of other events that are to precede the battle of Armageddon.

    The judgmental wrath of God will not fall until the Bride is taken away, so there has to be a rapture first. These ups and downs will carry on till the rapture and thereafter the wrath of God will befall on the ones left behind. Talk about horror? It will be hell unleashed on earth. May the Lord help us in getting out of here.

    We are not to forget the parable of the wise and the foolish virgins, wherein we find that wise virgins filled their lamps with oil and trimmed the wicks made themselves ready for the coming of the Bridegroom. And later when the coming became more certain, there was a time when the call was made, even the foolish virgins got up and sought for the oil but none was to be found, so will it be one of these days.

    When the signs becomes more evident and the council begins to tighten up there will be a time when people when people will cry for the baptism of the Holy Spirit, it will be too late then.
    Just as there came a falling away at Nicaea, we are witnessing a more prevalent and widespread falling away. There have been people leaving the message and joining hands with the critics and skeptic groups in questioning the validity of the message and to find ways to defame it. No matter how hard they try, the truth will withstand all their reasoning. The message has never been out of place, people have been; and Bro. William Branham was the fulfillment of Malachi 4 and Revelation 10:7. Even if people have languished along the way and had grown formal and cold, there will be a Bride spotless and blameless. There will be a rapture, Hallelujah!

    And a greater parallel is made by the Protestants who have resolved to be united with their mother, the Roman Catholic Church.The ecumenical move led by the World Council of Churches (WCC) has got further stronger in the recent times. Some of you might be aware of what happened last year. VIDEO:

    Tony Palmer, an Anglican Bishop who had been working for a number of protestant churches in the past, stole the opportunity of his meeting with the Pope to accomplish what he had been working for all his life. On his visit to his friend Pope Francis, he filmed the Pope’s message addressing the denominational leaders attending a Charismatic Evangelical Leadership Conference hosted by Kenneth Copeland.Pope proposed on the need of the Catholics and the Protestants to be united, which was gladly accepted by the leaders including Copeland. They in fact rejoiced citing it to be the fulfillment of the scriptures (John 17:21, Ephesians 4:23) and at the end Copeland recorded a reply back in agreement to the Pope’s request.

    Though Tony died in a motorcycle accident a few months later, another mediator has come up to take his place by the name Rick Warren, who is calling on the Protestants to be one with the Catholic Church.

    While the different religious bodies are uniting under the leadership of the pope, on the other hand the different governing bodies are uniting under the umbrella of the United Nations.
    The weeds are being bundled up for burning, that only should sound as wake up call to a believer, doesn't it?

    Following the inefficiency of the Millennium Goals that the UN set up 15 years ago they have resolved to put up a strong framework of the utopian goals, they now have decided on a legislation called the Agenda 2030.

    Aspects like poverty, hunger, diseases, terrorism and climate change have brought the world rulers to decide on a strong frame work promising to make this world a better place to live in.

    It is nothing but a politically binding system,which is the long anticipated New World Order in disguise. The New World Order is taking shape under the not so obvious name of Sustainable Development.
    Though the concept of sustainable development had been adapted by some countries, they were never able to fully implement them because of the lack of control over the choices people make. Sustainable Development refers to a type of development that is carried without depletion of natural resources or in other words without compromising the needs of the future generations.

    One of the reasons why sustainable development couldn’t be properly implemented is because if one tends not to overuse or waste a certain resource, for instance water; there will by many who will do just the opposite, as there are no strict laws forbidding such.

    But now this agenda is purported to put an end to the limitation by making the different governing bodies to act upon it under a strict guidance of the UN.

    The Agenda was formulated based on the agreement of all the UN members, and yet again the leaders met to reaffirm their support and to pledge their allegiance for a better world. You can find the description on the following link:

    Many will give in to the deception, trading their convictions for a purported promise and a mirage of a better world, where peace and security comes easy. "For God hath put in their hearts to fulfill his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled."
    (Revelation 17:17)

    The Biometric scans come with no surprise, the system will be in control of the whole thing soon.

    Though the Agenda was initially drafted based on a research carried out for the last three years; you’ll be surprised to know that there were changes made and drafted based on the Pope’s challenging encyclical letter entitled the Laudato Si’ that he released in the month of May. He had raised a number of issues concerning Climate Change, Inefficient Governance, weak worldwide economic infrastructure etc.
    You can get a copy of the encyclical letter here

    A month before the release of the Pope’s encyclical, The UN secretary general Ban Ki Moon met with the Pontiff to discuss Climate change and Mediterranean migration; where he also addressed the workshop called “Protect the Earth, Dignify Humanity” hosted by the Pontifical Academy of Sciences.

    Can you just estimate how powerful Pope Francis has become?
    He is considered as the people’s pope and one of the most popular people living in the World right now. He is liked by atheists and non-Catholics alike and has gained admiration and support from everywhere.
    He has gained popular support for being simple and his false sense of humility and having denounced all the papal luxuries the past popes enjoyed.
    He is out on a political mission and will be able to mobilize people to support the cause of new system. Cuba paid respects to him by releasing 3000 prisoners prior to his visit and at the same time US carried out necessary actions to let off the restrictions that US had imposed on Cuba, following the Pope’s gesture.

    The letter written by the democrats in the US Congress to the pope gives us an Idea of pope’s Influence on politics.
    Not only the democrats but even the republicans have started anticipating the difference that the Pope could make in the upcoming Presidential elections.

    There has been a trend in the recent times about Coexisting. The thought of co-existing with people irrespective of their choices at peaceful terms will drive many to embrace this agenda. To make this possible they will promote tolerance between different religious beliefs and ideologies by creating a new set of codes and laws for people to abide by.

    Even countries like India where the present government has been trying to make the nation a Hindu country, there are people with political strongholds coming up with suggestions to reject Hindu values which are not valid scientifically.

    With the rise in the Middle East Crisis and the atrocities of Extremist groups like the Islamic State(ISIS), Hezbollah,Boko Haram,Al Qaeda, Hamas etc., there has been a worldwide demand to quell the fundamentalist groups. Recognizing religious fundamentalism as a threat to global peace and equality, the governments have started deciding on reforms and measures to ensure a control over fundamentalism.
    Even the Pope himself is actively canvassing against religious fundamentalism,
    saying that it diverts us from God and misrepresents Him as a mere ideological pretext.

    According to a recent report leaked by The Telegraph, The UK parliament has already decided on a strategy which is yet to be made public; they’ve stated “that they will require all faiths to maintain a national register of faith leaders” and the Government will “set out the minimum level of training and checks”

    They will start targeting every religion keeping the Islamic extremists as an excuse.

    Though the three primary areas of focus as mentioned in Agenda 2030 are Social, Economic, and Environmental; it will incorporate Politics, without which the implementation cannot be possible . The Religious factor will also be included in the Agenda, which will eventually merge with the ecumenical move finally culminating to form the Beast System.

    Religious Leaders from 24 different religions met in the “Faith in the Future” conference in Bristol from 8-9 September, to discuss religious action plan for Agenda 2030
    If you haven’t been aware of what Baha’i faith is you probably should be, it is a one world religion already in existence. The Baha’i movement has been somewhat successful in uniting different faith groups for World Peace and unity. Soon people accepting such ideologies will give away to the Pope’s hybrid religion made by the unison of the Roman Catholics and the Protestants forming the Image of the beast.

    Initially it will start as an inter-religious and an interdenominational code of cooperation and ethics. And those who don't submit to this system will be counted as traitors and will be completely deprived of their privileges.

    “Then, if you don't belong to the world organization of churches, you won't be able to buy or to sell. You will lose all. Those who stay true to God and keep their garments clean from the defilement of this 'world-system' of church orders will be physically bereft. There will be presented to them a great temptation to give in. Preachers will give in with the excuse that they will serve God within the framework of the Antichrist beast-system.”
    Bro W.M Branham(An Exposition Of The Seven Church Ages - The Sardisean Church)

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