Thursday, October 15, 2015

Life grows on you.  The best teacher is life experiences.

I realized that I worried my life away for so many years. My mind was too busy entertaining negative thoughts (fear, doubt, worrying about other people's problem, malice, prejudice).  I am so glad that God made me aware of my weaknesses.


Wednesday, October 14, 2015

View Pa More!

I seem to get a lot of blog views because of AlDub or Kalyeserye.  People are searching for recap of each episode or writers of Kalyeserye. :)

Well, I am just like you. I google for AlDub update daily or news about Alden Richards.  Due to more important things to do I didn't watch the show on TV nor Youtube but I catch the recap in 24 Oras (GMA News program) or read updates in various websites.

Although Alden was absent from the show, the writers made the show still engaging to watch because of a new twist.  Adding Yaya Luvs (Ryzza) and Baste in Kalyeserye was a great idea.  It proves to non-aldub fan that the show will still be strong even without one of the loveteam.  Kudos to the Eat Bulaga staff!

Friday, October 2, 2015

Endtime Signs - Part 3

There are a number of facts that strongly suggest that Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio(Pope Franics) could be the last pope. He was elected on 13.03.2013, the whole numbers when totaled gives 13. He is also the first Jesuit pope, is first non-European pope in nearly 1,300 years and the first pope to be elected from America(Latin America).

In the similar way summing up the ASCII code for BERGOGLIO gives out 666, could this have to be a co incidence?

The St. Peter’s Church at Vatican was struck by Lightning the very day his predecessor Benedict XVI resigned from his office, who was the second pope to resign from office in 600years.

A poetic prophecy known as the Prophecy of Popes also indicates Pope Francis to be the last one, the prophecy was penned down by an 12th century priest called St. Malachy as a record of a vision he saw concerning the future of the Roman Catholic Church. The prophecy consists a list of 112 descriptions about papal succession, which have proved to be very accurate in fitting with past 111 popes.

You will find the list of popes on this link:
And the prophecy of the popes here:

The prophecy describes the last pose as being Peter the Roman; while there is no obvious connection of Pope Francis with this name. However the Papal name that Jorge Mario Bergoglio chose for himself was taken in honor to St.Francis of Assisi, whose original name was Giovanni di Pietro di Bernardone; Pietro is Italian for Peter. In addition to that, Pope Francis’ family background is Italian, His parents had migrated to Argentina from Italy, the birth place of the Roman Empire.
One thing that I found astounding was the Pope indirectly referring himself as Peter, by addressing the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew saying ’My brother Andrew’.

Time will tell whether or not Francis is the last one. In a statement made last year he said that he had few years to live, I have a reason to doubt if he meant the span of his humane side.
Doves released by the pope with the help of two kids as a symbol of peace at the time of the Ukrainian Crisis were attacked by a Sea Gull and a Crow .

We already see that there are a number of 6’s related to the Pope’s visit to the United states. An article published by Yahoo today summed up his itinerary as 3 states, 18 stops, 6 days. 18 divided by 3 gives 6.

He landed on the United States last evening, where he will be addressing the senate and the house on a joint session of the US General Assembly tomorrow and then the UN Assembly on 25th on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the United Nations . He being the 266th pope, is there on the 266th day of the year.

What is interesting to note about this visit is that he landed on the US soil on the Day of Atonement(Yom Kippur) and will leave on the Feast of Tabernacles(sukkot), i.e the day of the blood moon.

2015 could prove be a turning in history for being the Jubilee for the Bride, as it has been 50 years since 1965.And also because 23'rd September 2015, i.e today, marks the beginning of the Super Shemitah which is the Jubilee for the Jews. Today(September 23rd) is also the fall equinox when the day and night are of equal length and so are the seasons opposite on either side of the equator.

Bro. Branham referring to the Antichrist in person as a Superman caught my attention recently, when that very word was used to hype Pope Francis’ revolutionary attitude. Although the pope has turned down the title saying he is just a normal person. The term was first used when an artist painted a graffiti in a street near Vatican picturing Pope Francis as a superman, with the typical superman flying pose donned in his papal vesture with his cape flying on the back.
“ Notice, this rider is nothing but SATAN’S SUPER MAN, a incarnate devil. He's a educated genius. Now, I hope you got your ears open. ………… The whole world's wanting a superman; they're going to get it. Just wait till the Church goes up, and Satan's cast out. He'll incarnate. That's right. They want somebody who can really do the job; he'll do it. Educated… This is the Satan's superman with education, with wisdom, with church theology of his own word, of his own making, and he rides his white denominational horse to deceive the people. And he will conquer every religion of the world, 'cause they've all going into the confederation of—of the—of churches and the world confederation of churches. And they already got their buildings built and everything setting right in line. There ain't one thing left. Every denomination's stuck right into it, the federation of churches. And what's backing it? Rome. And the pope's now crying, "We're all one. Let's come together and walk together." Bro. W.M Branham (63-0318 - The First Seal)

“Like a whole lot like our denominations of today, our denominations are looking for a superman. Our nation is looking for a superman. Russia is looking for a superman. The eastern world is looking for one. The U.N. is looking for one. The churches are looking for one. But what kind of a one are they looking for?” Bro. W.M Branham (63-1127 - The World Is Again Falling Apart)


The beast system is taking shape and every prophecy is falling right in its place. It won’t be long until the council begins to tighten up.

And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.
(Luke 21:28)

“And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares. For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth. Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.”
(Luke 21:34-36)

I’m not trying to promote a hearsay,instill fear or voice my own opinion but I’m trying to present out the facts and correlating them with the times we are living in. There is nothing to fear as a Christian, for the ones who is Christ have already passed from death to life.

I am not counting myself out cause I’m no better than anybody, a sinner saved by grace, I’ll have to run my race as you will have to run yours. It is very necessary that we redeem our time and get cleared of anything that is keeping us from being closer to God.

There are signs all over, UFO’s and fearful sights everywhere. Every signpost, every passing second is testifying of the coming of the Lord being near. Never before I had heard about thousands of birds falling off dead from the sky, never before had I heard millions of fish jumping ashore and dying.
Everything is out of place, everything of order, the tares are being bundled up, and men’s hearts are failing for fear. There is no safety nowhere, there is no place where peace could be found. The safest place I reckon is under the atoning blood of Lord Jesus Christ. There is joy there is peace, there is victory.
Do not settle for a church membership, do not settle for a sensation, do not settle for emotions or anything that the world has to give, let not anything stop you not until you’ve got the token: The Holy Ghost.

I’d earnestly request that if there’s anybody without, to let go of everything and surrender your life to God. No matter what you’ve been through, He is always willing to let you in and make you His son or daughter. Dry eyed repentance won’t work, there won’t be no revival, no awakening, no born again experience unless we are willing to let God break us once again; so that he can mold us unto the vessel of His desire.
The devil might be trying to get you to give up saying ‘Oh, you are not good enough’ or you have done this or done that, but remember one thing friend; none of us is good enough. The devil is just doing his duty, he is an accuser; all you need to do is to do yours.

Lord Jesus Said “For I say unto you, That except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven”( Matthew 5:20)
How could us gentiles exceed the righteousness of the strictest group of people? When the disciples expressed their concern about salvation being tough, after the Lord’s meeting with the rich young man. He replied to them saying “With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.”

Nothing can we do to save ourselves but to accept what the Lord already did for us. For a Christian Life is not of struggle but of rest, and it is Him doing the works. If you have been trying to dress up in a manufactured holiness or your own doing, without it being His Holiness, it is perhaps like trying to stick fruits instead of bearing them. The only wedding garment that qualifies for the marriage supper is the one sent by the Bridegroom; so it His righteousness and His Holiness, Him and Him alone; Let all glory go to the Lamb!
We are without excuse brethren, we have come to know the message and now have been witnessing the fulfillment of End Time Prophecies at an unprecedented rate. Everything happening around us and all that we have come across point to the imminent return of the Lord; therefore rather than being a busy bodies in others matters, grudging, fussing and fighting, lets lay aside every weight and be filled with the love of God.

Why are we so much concerned about the things and cares of the world? for a life of less than a hundred years; when there is eternity laying in wait?
I wouldn't be surprised if somebody says "The end times will come on its own, whatever happens; it doesn't make any difference". You are at you free will sir, I'll not try to convince you. I can prove nothing to you.
To leave this earth now or to die for Christ is a good thing, but to live for Him a little longer is worth more.Why wouldn't a believer like to live for Him another hundred years?
But the world is so full of sin and hypocrisy and there's is none that lends their ear, there is none that seeks Him. I'm glad that the days are cut short and thank God for those who do.

This world has already had the greatest of all signs, the revealing of The Son of Man in A Son of Man, the Messenger for the last church age. The next was what? Judgement. It is later than we think, brethren!
"....When we see every sign moving, pointing towards the coming of the Lord, it ought to make every minister start fasting and praying and saying, "God what must I do next? For we are near the end time." It's time that we got down and realized we mustn't just lust along and loaf along as if we were the carefree, come-easy, go-easy. We should be a wide awake. And it seems like that such things as today, earthquakes shaking, even plaster dropping from the walls and buildings sending up great smoke or dust screens up like mushrooms, and so forth, it ought to bring us to the realization that the coming of the Lord is at hand. And when we see the church of the living God indifferent, and infatuated with the world, and lost it's love of Christ, and has become so denominational-minded, and barriers and so forth among us, it ought to be milestones to let us realize that we're at the end of the road."
Bro. W.M Branham(57-0322 - Hear Ye Him)


Nations are breaking, Israel is awakening,
The signs that the Bible foretold;
The Gentile days numbered,
with horrors encumbered;
Return, O dispersed, to your own.

The day of redemption is near,
Man's hearts are failing for fear;
Be filled with God's Spirit,
have your lamps trimmed and clear,
Look up, your redemption is near!

Your Brother in Christ,        
Arpan Chhetri
N.B: If you are not familiar with the message of the hour or Bro. Branham, some of the terms used here might seem alien to you, please let us know if you have any queries.

Endtime Signs - Part 2


Though there is much more to a Christian life, the Ten Commandments still represent the foundational laws of God. A United States Court has yet again defied God by passing a legislation demanding the removal of the Ten Commandments monument that stands in Oklahoma City with a month’s time.
And there have been reports about the Satanic Temple planning to set up the Baphometh(Satan) statue opposite the Ten Commandment monument. The Baphometh Statue is a goat headed statue of the Devil which they unveiled back in July in an undisclosed ceremony in Detroit . Quite Ironically, It is what they believe to be a symbol of true religious freedom.

And just around the same time the US Judiciary made the culpable adjustment in the marriage laws of the United States of America. The legalization of Gay marriage has proved how apostate the world has become. The height of blasphemy carried out by Gay Parades will make you realize that the World is ripe for judgment. People are coming out in the streets celebrating Sexual Freedom, the filthiest of all the acts of insults to God that people have made has been carried out in the last few months; where people from LGBT communities mocked the crucifixion of Jesus Christ by hanging half naked men and women publicly on the cross. Wiping the rear with the pages of the Bible and many other heinous acts of mocking.

Having come to know all these, what on earth could we think can keep the wrath of God falling, save His mercy?

There is a lot of difference between the wrath of God after the Rapture and the temporal warning judgments. The disasters happening now are nothing but divine signs cautioning about the wrath and Judgment of God.


Israel is God’s timepiece for us Gentiles to know the time we are living in. Looking at the events unfolding in, around and in relation to Israel gives us a clear indication of the end of the dispensation of grace for the Gentiles.

As we know that the Feast of trumpets preceded the Day of Atonement. The trumpets were to call the Jews for the Day of Atonement. Fulfilling the type of the Old Testament, the increasing hatred and rejection serving as a catalyst has compelled the Jews to be back to Israel. Following the reestablishment of Israel hordes of Jews have been migrating back to their homeland.
God knows who is His, and the ones that are meant to be saved will be there.

In the recent years the Jews have been making many attempts to find ways to restore the Glory of Israel.
The Temple Institute which is responsible to carry out measures to usher the reconstruction of the temple has been carrying out historic efforts like recreating the Temple’s articles and training Levi Priests to carry out sacrifices and to minister the people. Over 70 of the temple’s artifacts including the Golden Menorah, High Priest’s breastplate, Arch of Covenant etc. have been recreated according to the specifications in the Torah. In the last few years they were on a lookout for a red heifer in other countries, like the US. Realizing the waste of time and other factors, the concerned officials have set up a farm under the supervision of a rancher in Israel, to raise a perfect red heifer to fit all the Levitical standards. They have relied upon technological advancements for a more favorable outcome. Red heifer’s ashes are a prerequisite for purification of the people who ascend the temple mount and the temple grounds for the reconstruction of the third temple.

The architectural plans and blueprints are out already, the Jews had to cry for almost 2000 years to get to where they are now. It won't be long till the two witnesses(Revelation 11:3-12); i.e Moses and Elijah, appear on the scene.

The only thing hindering the reconstruction of the temple is the Islamic occupation of the Temple mount, regarded as the most controversial site in existence. It is the location where the first to temples stood, which is now spanned by the Mosque of Omar and the Dome of Rock.

The hostile Arabs will not accept the demolishment of the mosque of Omar and Al Aqsa , therefore it will take either a war or a peace agreement.

The situation is very critical and there is uncertainty and war lingering along Israel’s borders.
The present crisis in the Middle East will do nothing but mount further pressure on Israel.
If you speculate on the positioning of Israel in its present conditions, you’ll realize that it is surrounded by warmongers who are far more hostile and powerful than they were back during the 60’s. Though Israel is far more equipped to face the threats, we have to understand that the in’s and out’s will carry on till the War of Gog and Magog (on this side of the millennium) when then foes of Israel will perish at the return of the Lord with His bride.

Bro. Branham at times exclaimed “Watch Russia!” Knowing that the King of the North will be a role player in bringing the War of Ezekiel 38, 39.
Russia has been supplying weapons to the Syrian regime which was also backed by Hezbollah(Lebanon based jihad group) to suppress the militant opposition carried out by the Syrian Liberation Army and a number of other rebel groups.
According to reports this past week it seems like Russia has found the perfect time to infiltrate the Oil rich grounds of the Middle East in a pretense to vanquish the Islamic State. There are reports concerning the Russian plan of jointly carrying out operations to pacify the opposition, a Russian military base is already being setup as a first step towards middle east advancement. Russia is already of the greatest threats to the Us and could be among them who Nuke it during the tribulation.Russia will now prove to be a bigger challenge to the United States which has been supporting the rebel groups in Syria, to fight against the regime of Bashar al-Assad (Syrian president).
Hezbollah has already made an announcement of pulling out of Syria; so for now, it appears to be REBELS (SLA) + US VS SYRIAN REGIME + RUSSIA but soon could end up being US vs RUSSIA.

Can you realize the time we are living in, friends?

One of the reasons that God created the Sun, the Moon and the Stars was for signs. "And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for SIGNS, and for seasons, and for days, and years" (Genesis 1:14)

Concerning the signs Lord Jesus Christ said "And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;"(Luke 21:25)

And God spake through Prophet Joel saying thus:
"And I will shew wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke. The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the LORD come." (Joel 2:30-31)

"And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh." (Luke 21:28)
The blood moon tetrads have proven to have significant effect on Israel and the world in last 2000 years.

Now what does a tetrad mean? In simple words tetrads refer to groups of four.
Therefore Blood moon tetrad means 4 full Lunar eclipses occurring back to back, one after the other in a relatively short space of time.
But the unusual thing about the blood moon eclipses during a tetrad is that they occur consecutively with a gap of roughly 6 months one from the other.
NASA’s record on the blood moons when tallied by scholars with Jewish Feast days led to a startling discovery. They realized that the past seven tetrads had fallen exactly on Jewish Feast days, and it was the same with the one falling in 2014 and ’15.

Among the seven the last three had a dramatic impact on Jewish people.
(1) The 1493–94 tetrad occurred roughly around the time of Spanish inquisition that led to the expulsion of the Jews from Spain. In the year 1492 King Ferdinand & Queen Isabella of Spain ordered all Jewish People to leave Spain which after 200 AD had become a second Jewish homeland. The blood moons marked the the expulsion of the entire Jewish Population from Spain, who despite being tortured, refused to accept Catholicism during the Inquisition.
It was in 1493 that Christopher Columbus discovered America which later became a haven for the Jews. The blood moons marked the events that started with a nightmare for the Jews and later ended in triumph.

(2) The Sixth tetrad of total lunar eclipses on the Jewish Passover and Feast of Tabernacles (Succoth) occurred during the years 1949-1950.
The blood moons marked the chain of events that took place in Israel during the late fifties.
On 14th of May 1948 the Israelis declared themselves as a nation. The very next day the armies of Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon and Iraq invaded the country.
*The Israeli defense forces though being a newly formed army reacted with fierce retaliation in an intermittent fighting that lasted for 15 days, which is better known as the Israeli war of Independence.
*Even though the Israelis declared themselves as a nation in 1948, the first permanent government took office on January 25th 1949. Following which there were negotiations carried out between Israel and the invading countries except Iraq. Israel retained its independence but lost control of some of its land to Jordan and Egypt.

(3)The seventh tetrad of blood moons that coincided with Jewish feast days like the Passover and The feast of Tabernacles was that of 1967-1968. Israel's enemies had made up their plans to wipe off Israel from the face of earth but they couldn’t succeed. The old lines of ceasefire were replaced with new ones and Israel regained complete control over Jerusalem and the regions that it had lost 19 years before.

And the one occurring on 28th of September is the last blood moon of the eighth tetrad. The number ‘Eight’ symbolizes new beginnings. The Lord rose on the eighth day. 2nd Peter 2:5 states that Noah was the eighth person in the Ark and also that Genesis 17:12 records circumcision being performed on the eighth day.

Will this bring a time of distress upon Israel and end with a triumph again. It will! A treaty again? or perhaps the switching of the grace back to the Jews. Can you see the time we are living in brethren?

Some of the effects that this tetrad has already made can identified as the rise in antisemitism, christian persecution in the middle east, the rise of ISIS, Gaza War(between Israeli Military and Hamas) and the the Refugee Crisis. This could also lead to a complete physical restoration of Israel by the construction of the Third Jewish temple.

Unlike the last two tetrads which were either visible from Israel or from the US, this last blood moon of the eighth tetrad will be visible from both the countries.
Could this mean an escalation on the temple building mission on Israeli side and the formation on the One World System in the US?

The Iran nuclear deal that is being finalized will remove the obstructions on the way of Iran to achieve its Nuclear ambitions, which is certainly not a good thing for Israel.

With the nearing of the oncoming blood moon riots have sparked off again on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, with Hamas once again has targeting Israel with rockets. And this is also falling around the time when the UN and the US could possibly be deciding on a two state solution for Israel and Palestine.

The UN and the United States have decided to impose their sanctions on Israel regarding the two state solution, whether or not that becomes possible, the Arabs will try their best not to lose their grip on Jerusalem.


Fifty years ago, the prophet of God for this last age indicted this generation for the second crucifixion of Jesus Christ. The handwriting is on the wall one more time, the people have raised their defiance by their unbelief, creeds and self righteousness.The United States was blessed because its founding fathers built the country based on the laws governed by the Bible, because it harbored the Jews during the last 500 years and had been upholding Israel. But now they have held their back God by letting down the bars and are undermining the cause of Israel.

Summing up the recent developments we can be sure of one thing that there time for the the deliverance of Israel has come and that we are witnessing the last minutes of the gentile dispensation.The doors are closing, we should make sure that we are in and not shut out. May the Lord help us.

California is shaking intermittently. Some would say 'Uh' California is already the second most seismically active regions in the United States, so the quakes are obvious. Well friend, I have no problem with you but the thing is that, there'll come soon 'The Big One' that'll slide Los Angeles into the ocean.
I would also caution those who are waiting upon Los Angeles to sink saying "Oh! brother there's nothing to be desperate about, the prophet said that LA would sink first. Oh, yes certainly it will slide into the ocean for the stock of filth, the brooding den of immorality, for it is a prophecy. But brother, the moment you realize that Los Angeles is gone could be too late for you.

California has now already hit a 500 year record drought and with the Wildfires still raging there, people should consider these as a warning of something bigger that is yet to come.

Regardless of what happens and what doesn’t we have to keep striving for perfection and for the faith once delivered unto the saints.

About the sixth vision the prophet told that he saw a beautiful woman rising to power in the United States, which he thought would either be a President or the Catholic church.
Bro. Branham used the words “In voting, they'd elect the wrong person” a number of times to denote the election of President Kennedy (democrat), It seems now that they are going to repeat the same mistake by electing Hillary Clinton(democrat) and fulfilling the prophecy.

Republicans do have some good conservative values but we can’t see any good coming up in a nation that has turned its back to God. Democrats have the edge in getting better on the score cards, for being pro-abortion, pro-gay and other liberal agendas.

Though Trump has got a bunch on his side for being outspoken and resilient, but is also being strongly criticized for being self centered and narcissistic. While Ben Carson is being favored by some conservative Christians, you couldn’t expect him to make the lag, ending up dividing the votes. Quite Interestingly another lady candidate Carly Fiorina has started getting better scores following a popular debate speech, but she is yet to far from the frontline. Even after the hurdles brought up by the Email Scandal, Hillary Clinton is still leading the nationwide opinion polls, and if not convicted she could end up being the first woman president and the last American president.

You can find updated data from the different opinion polling platforms here:,_2016
Separate rankings for the Republican and Democrat candidates are also available.
I'm not ruling out the possibility of the Roman Catholic church rising to power in the United States, which it already is. But there also may rise a literal woman, as we are now witnessing.
And I predict that a woman will either be President, or do, or come into great power of some sort in the United States before the total annihilation of the world. Keep that in mind, and I have said it.
Bro. W.M Branham (57-0120E - God Keeps His Word)

"But there'll be a powerful woman. Now, remember, this is on tape too. A powerful woman, great woman, she'll either be President, or it'll be a woman representing the Catholic church (which I think it is) will take over here someday and she'll rule this country. This nation is a woman's nation. Flag was made by a woman; it's number thirteen. She started out, thirteen stars, thirteen stripes, thirteen colonies. Everything's thirteen, thirteen, thirteen, right on down. Thirteen stars on her silver dollar now. Everything's a thirteen. It's number thirteen, and appears in the 13th chapter of Revelations: completely thirteen. Everything is "woman, woman, woman, woman, woman," right on down. And she took over all the offices. She's took over Hollywood. She's took over the nation. She's took over the offices. She's took over everything there is; equal rights with the man, votes with the man, cusses like a man, drinks like a man, anything else. And the--just bait for the Catholic church, for the worship of a woman... And it finally end up, I predicted, a woman will control her. Bro. W.M Branham (THE.LAODICEAN.CHURCH.AGE_ JEFF.IN ROJC 493-550 SUNDAY_ 60-1211E)

Endtime Signs - Part 1

Enough of writing AlDub for now.  I am thinking of writing about Kalye Serye again but this one is a better topic and worth sharing.  May you be blessed upon reading this.  It isn't too late to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Earthquakes in various places take place daily.  Rumors of war/strife here and there. Pope Francis signing a New World Order. Blood moon appearance coinciding with Jewish Feast of Tabernacle. Same sex marriage getting accepted in the US and other countries (type of Sodom and Gomorrah). And a lot more.

A Christian brother has compiled these signs/events and its significance in the Bible.  I am reposting it here.

    We cannot deny the fact that the increase in the occurrence of End time events have led to a stir among the people. Though there are many out on Social media dating out doomsday and other such things without a proper order or placement, the pace at which these things are happening is alarming and cannot be taken lightly.

    I've tried my best to present the facts to you, not overemphasizing or exaggerating but pointing onto the events made clear by prophecy.

    The Message of the hour gives us a clear picture of the chain of events occurring before Armageddon and the setting up of the Millennial reign. We have to be sure about one thing that the earth will not be burnt out all of sudden, but there are a chain of other events that are to precede the battle of Armageddon.

    The judgmental wrath of God will not fall until the Bride is taken away, so there has to be a rapture first. These ups and downs will carry on till the rapture and thereafter the wrath of God will befall on the ones left behind. Talk about horror? It will be hell unleashed on earth. May the Lord help us in getting out of here.

    We are not to forget the parable of the wise and the foolish virgins, wherein we find that wise virgins filled their lamps with oil and trimmed the wicks made themselves ready for the coming of the Bridegroom. And later when the coming became more certain, there was a time when the call was made, even the foolish virgins got up and sought for the oil but none was to be found, so will it be one of these days.

    When the signs becomes more evident and the council begins to tighten up there will be a time when people when people will cry for the baptism of the Holy Spirit, it will be too late then.
    Just as there came a falling away at Nicaea, we are witnessing a more prevalent and widespread falling away. There have been people leaving the message and joining hands with the critics and skeptic groups in questioning the validity of the message and to find ways to defame it. No matter how hard they try, the truth will withstand all their reasoning. The message has never been out of place, people have been; and Bro. William Branham was the fulfillment of Malachi 4 and Revelation 10:7. Even if people have languished along the way and had grown formal and cold, there will be a Bride spotless and blameless. There will be a rapture, Hallelujah!

    And a greater parallel is made by the Protestants who have resolved to be united with their mother, the Roman Catholic Church.The ecumenical move led by the World Council of Churches (WCC) has got further stronger in the recent times. Some of you might be aware of what happened last year. VIDEO:

    Tony Palmer, an Anglican Bishop who had been working for a number of protestant churches in the past, stole the opportunity of his meeting with the Pope to accomplish what he had been working for all his life. On his visit to his friend Pope Francis, he filmed the Pope’s message addressing the denominational leaders attending a Charismatic Evangelical Leadership Conference hosted by Kenneth Copeland.Pope proposed on the need of the Catholics and the Protestants to be united, which was gladly accepted by the leaders including Copeland. They in fact rejoiced citing it to be the fulfillment of the scriptures (John 17:21, Ephesians 4:23) and at the end Copeland recorded a reply back in agreement to the Pope’s request.

    Though Tony died in a motorcycle accident a few months later, another mediator has come up to take his place by the name Rick Warren, who is calling on the Protestants to be one with the Catholic Church.

    While the different religious bodies are uniting under the leadership of the pope, on the other hand the different governing bodies are uniting under the umbrella of the United Nations.
    The weeds are being bundled up for burning, that only should sound as wake up call to a believer, doesn't it?

    Following the inefficiency of the Millennium Goals that the UN set up 15 years ago they have resolved to put up a strong framework of the utopian goals, they now have decided on a legislation called the Agenda 2030.

    Aspects like poverty, hunger, diseases, terrorism and climate change have brought the world rulers to decide on a strong frame work promising to make this world a better place to live in.

    It is nothing but a politically binding system,which is the long anticipated New World Order in disguise. The New World Order is taking shape under the not so obvious name of Sustainable Development.
    Though the concept of sustainable development had been adapted by some countries, they were never able to fully implement them because of the lack of control over the choices people make. Sustainable Development refers to a type of development that is carried without depletion of natural resources or in other words without compromising the needs of the future generations.

    One of the reasons why sustainable development couldn’t be properly implemented is because if one tends not to overuse or waste a certain resource, for instance water; there will by many who will do just the opposite, as there are no strict laws forbidding such.

    But now this agenda is purported to put an end to the limitation by making the different governing bodies to act upon it under a strict guidance of the UN.

    The Agenda was formulated based on the agreement of all the UN members, and yet again the leaders met to reaffirm their support and to pledge their allegiance for a better world. You can find the description on the following link:

    Many will give in to the deception, trading their convictions for a purported promise and a mirage of a better world, where peace and security comes easy. "For God hath put in their hearts to fulfill his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled."
    (Revelation 17:17)

    The Biometric scans come with no surprise, the system will be in control of the whole thing soon.

    Though the Agenda was initially drafted based on a research carried out for the last three years; you’ll be surprised to know that there were changes made and drafted based on the Pope’s challenging encyclical letter entitled the Laudato Si’ that he released in the month of May. He had raised a number of issues concerning Climate Change, Inefficient Governance, weak worldwide economic infrastructure etc.
    You can get a copy of the encyclical letter here

    A month before the release of the Pope’s encyclical, The UN secretary general Ban Ki Moon met with the Pontiff to discuss Climate change and Mediterranean migration; where he also addressed the workshop called “Protect the Earth, Dignify Humanity” hosted by the Pontifical Academy of Sciences.

    Can you just estimate how powerful Pope Francis has become?
    He is considered as the people’s pope and one of the most popular people living in the World right now. He is liked by atheists and non-Catholics alike and has gained admiration and support from everywhere.
    He has gained popular support for being simple and his false sense of humility and having denounced all the papal luxuries the past popes enjoyed.
    He is out on a political mission and will be able to mobilize people to support the cause of new system. Cuba paid respects to him by releasing 3000 prisoners prior to his visit and at the same time US carried out necessary actions to let off the restrictions that US had imposed on Cuba, following the Pope’s gesture.

    The letter written by the democrats in the US Congress to the pope gives us an Idea of pope’s Influence on politics.
    Not only the democrats but even the republicans have started anticipating the difference that the Pope could make in the upcoming Presidential elections.

    There has been a trend in the recent times about Coexisting. The thought of co-existing with people irrespective of their choices at peaceful terms will drive many to embrace this agenda. To make this possible they will promote tolerance between different religious beliefs and ideologies by creating a new set of codes and laws for people to abide by.

    Even countries like India where the present government has been trying to make the nation a Hindu country, there are people with political strongholds coming up with suggestions to reject Hindu values which are not valid scientifically.

    With the rise in the Middle East Crisis and the atrocities of Extremist groups like the Islamic State(ISIS), Hezbollah,Boko Haram,Al Qaeda, Hamas etc., there has been a worldwide demand to quell the fundamentalist groups. Recognizing religious fundamentalism as a threat to global peace and equality, the governments have started deciding on reforms and measures to ensure a control over fundamentalism.
    Even the Pope himself is actively canvassing against religious fundamentalism,
    saying that it diverts us from God and misrepresents Him as a mere ideological pretext.

    According to a recent report leaked by The Telegraph, The UK parliament has already decided on a strategy which is yet to be made public; they’ve stated “that they will require all faiths to maintain a national register of faith leaders” and the Government will “set out the minimum level of training and checks”

    They will start targeting every religion keeping the Islamic extremists as an excuse.

    Though the three primary areas of focus as mentioned in Agenda 2030 are Social, Economic, and Environmental; it will incorporate Politics, without which the implementation cannot be possible . The Religious factor will also be included in the Agenda, which will eventually merge with the ecumenical move finally culminating to form the Beast System.

    Religious Leaders from 24 different religions met in the “Faith in the Future” conference in Bristol from 8-9 September, to discuss religious action plan for Agenda 2030
    If you haven’t been aware of what Baha’i faith is you probably should be, it is a one world religion already in existence. The Baha’i movement has been somewhat successful in uniting different faith groups for World Peace and unity. Soon people accepting such ideologies will give away to the Pope’s hybrid religion made by the unison of the Roman Catholics and the Protestants forming the Image of the beast.

    Initially it will start as an inter-religious and an interdenominational code of cooperation and ethics. And those who don't submit to this system will be counted as traitors and will be completely deprived of their privileges.

    “Then, if you don't belong to the world organization of churches, you won't be able to buy or to sell. You will lose all. Those who stay true to God and keep their garments clean from the defilement of this 'world-system' of church orders will be physically bereft. There will be presented to them a great temptation to give in. Preachers will give in with the excuse that they will serve God within the framework of the Antichrist beast-system.”
    Bro W.M Branham(An Exposition Of The Seven Church Ages - The Sardisean Church)

Blogistan Nomination

"You have been nominated as a topblogger @ Blogistan, the country of Bloggers" reads the subject line of an email I received yesterday. A certain Rajat Narula nominated me.

I thought it was a scam or some spam mail but I googled Blogistan and found out it was legitimate.  It is a contest for Indian bloggers and I am not an Indian national.  I may have written about Amir Khan, SRK and Salman Khan in the past because I used to watch Bollywood movies then.  My fascination for Indian movies is over.  Korean and Japanese TV series are my current watch list now.  I rave about Pinocchio and My Love from the Star.

How can I be nominated for Top Blogger award when I don't regularly blog and I don't write for bigger audience.  I write for myself.  This blog is a form of self expression and something to remind me what I thought of particular place, experience or stuff.  I never shared my blog to my friends or family.

But I am honored and grateful that someone who stumbled on my blog thinks I am qualified to be nominated as Top Blogger.  Thank you, Mr. Narula!