Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The world is a facebook!

The world is a Facebook. Men and women, young and old alike are hooked with this social networking site. It has eclipsed Multiply, Friendster, and other social networking sites in popularity. 

I thought it was only Filipinos who are into FB phenomenon but even Europeans are as addicted as Filipinos.  When I was in Bangkok, I stepped into a net cafe and was looking around for a vacant station. FB is plastered on the screen of the stations occupied by European tourists. During the bus ride to Chiang Mai I met a guy from England and we exchanged contact info.  "If you have a Facebook account you can add me,"  this good looking British guy told me. On another occasion, I met a Turkish filmmaker who also asked me if I have an FB account. A French guy who was in my tour group also told me he has an FB account.

One time in Manila I was eating in a fastfood and a family of  five was seated adjacent to my table.  The father who seemed to be in his early 50's told his wife and kids "Let's have our picture taken here because it would be nice to post it in FB."  The teenager son and the younger kids happily obliged to their father's request.

FB got people hooked in photography. A lot of people are posting what they ate in FB. My housemate and friend here in SG is always picture-ready whenever she goes out and loves clicking her iphone inside the MRT and those pics guaranteed find its way to her FB account. :)

Even my pastor and his family are into FB.  My pastor's wife is always posting new pics in her account and I also get to chat with her. Believers are using the social networking site to spread the Word of God. I may be away from my home church but I get to be reminded of God's words thru FB.

It is through FB that I get re-connected with friends I haven't seen for so many years. 

I bet there are great love stories in FB as well.  I heard stories of couples who met through FB. Guess, this coming valentine's day a lot of stories how they met will be published. :)

FB is used as marketing tool also. I liked some pages about travel tours.  The snippets seen in right hand side are advertisements of various products and services. Small and big companies are maximizing the site's popularity.  Target and Amazon has its own fan page.

Mass media is shut down in Egypt but real stories still gets posted in FB. The Turkish filmmaker I met in Bangkok is sharing news from Egypt thru his wall.

But some people are posting info as mundane as "I am eating burger at burger junction."  They shout it out to the world that they got drunk last night or that they are having LQ. 

FB users should observe FB-tiquette.  There are things that should be privately talked about and in that case an email through FB would be more appropriate to use.  FB is a powerful tool as a communication medium not to mention it is fun as well! Hope people should know what should be shared in public and only to selected people.

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