I had myself admitted to Villaflor Hospital last night to undergo CTT (Chest Tube Thoracostomy) procedure, a tube was inserted in my right chest to let off gas or air around/inside my right lung. Doctors call my condition "pneumothorax".
No matter what condition I am in I will continue to praise and thank the Lord. He is our great healer. He allows situations to occur to mold our faith and character.
Can you still praise His name and raise your hands even in pain? Would you still have a grateful heart during trying times?
I do. A christian shines in times of trouble. Even though I am weak I am strong because this is not my battle alone. God is fighting for His children.
Fact to be told, God told some sisters to remember me in their prayers even though they're unaware of my health condition. This is called intercessory praying. The prayers of righteous ones avail so much. I feel so blessed.
I got my courage from God to get the procedure done. Thank you Father God.
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