Sunday, October 19, 2014

Falling in Love

Had a great time at the church today.  While we were singing and praising God, I felt joy in serving God.  I am so glad to be called Christian, a follower of Christ.  As I go through this journey, the Lord is making things an experience to me not just knowledge.  Lately I keep thinking how good it is to be dedicating my life to Him and serving Him. I can't imagine a life outside Christ.  I am so glad He called me and chose me.

My prayer is that He will draw me closer and that I will fall in love with him more and more.  Even in the midst of my trial I will continue to thank and praise the Lord.  Walking with God is not always a walk in a smooth road; there are humps and rough road along the way but at the end is a great reward.  The pastor said during our previous communion service that following the will of the Lord is easy if we fall in love with Him first.  Yes, like in a natural relationship you can look beyond the not so good characteristics of a person if you are madly in love with Him.  Not that God has not so good characteristics but what I meant is that there is no tough act if  you are doing it with so much love in Christ. :)

Here is a nice worship song.

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