Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Next week am going back to see my doctor and get confirmation that the fibroid mass is completely gone and I have healthy body! God is our divine healer and healing is in our body already.

Believe you have received the healing and feel it. Don't let the symptoms bother you. Let faith arise and just be grateful with the blessing. Once you received your healing, take good care of your body because it is the temple of God.

Healing may come instantaneously or God may use medicines or doctors to cure you from sickness. No amount of medicine can heal the body if God will not allow it. Whichever manner you have been healed, it was a blessing from God. Even with the practice of positive thinking, it was not your positive thoughts that freed your body from sickness but it was God. He allowed you to feel positive about healing because He has granted your healing. It is not just positive energy that corrected your body cells, it was the Divine source of healing and redemption - Jesus Christ.

I watched videos of people who espouse law of attraction however, I never dissociate it with God. It is not just a field of energy that conspires to create something but it was God who blesses people.

Gregg Braden mentioned in his videos that when emotions, feelings and thought are one you can move a mountain. I call that FAITH because you believe in something even though you have not seen it happen yet in front of your eyes. A strong faith can move a mountain, it can call for a rain or stop rain, it can multiply food.

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