Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Found a kindred spirit in yesterday's seminar at Shangrila. She was also working in the night shift for 4 years and could not get properly sleep without an sleep inducing tablet. She was taking melatonin for so many years till the side effects marred the benefits of good sleep and then she stopped and shifted to a day shift job. Lucky for her she found an account within the company that operates in the day shift.

She's into Bikram yoga to help her destress and get good sleep. She like traveling like me.

I was glad to know am not alone in this dilemma! It inspired me to continue working in BPO and enroll for yoga class. I know this sleeping issue will end soon. God is answering my little prayers about work. I feel so blessed.

Another lady from BPO inspired me to excel and do my best. I know I will be sitting in her place next year telling my story of success as well.

Overall, the whole seminar was inspiring and a good time to network.

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