The other day I went to the market to buy 200 pesos worth of bananas. The seller told me it's 1.50 a piece and I replied "manang, why not give it to me at 3 pieces for 5 pesos."
"Ma'am, that's even more expensive!" replied seller.
I was embarrass and quickly said, "oh yeah, you are right."
The seller started to segregate the bananas I selected and wrapped it in a clear plastic bag. She told me that I have to pay 210 pesos for 140 pieces. I tried to do quick mental calculation to double check her figures.
"One hundred forty times one peso and fifty cents." Hmmmn, I was struggling. In the end I just nodded with the seller that her calculation was correct. Hahahaha...
While riding a tricycle on my way home, I figured an easy way of computing 140 x 1.50. One hundred pieces is automatically 150 pesos. Ten pieces is 15 pesos. If compute the remaining 30 pieces by 10, 40 pieces will cost 60 pesos. So then 210 pesos is correct!
My mind is getting rusty. I know, I know. I was really never good at numbers. A friend sent a funny sms about Math.
A cute letter by a little kid who hates Math. "Dear Math, please grow up soon and try to solve your own problems. Don't depend on others."
:) :) :)
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