Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Blame it on what?

The other night I slept for nine looong hours. It was the longest sleep I ever had after joining a new company. Getting 9 hours sleep is like finding gold in a trash and it feels like it was a miracle. ;)

But in the afternoon it was difficult to get some winks before going to work. However, I didn't want to spoil the good feeling I was having from sleeping straight nine hours so I didn't make a fuss. I went to work and get on my job cheerfully.

Took my lunch at KFC and then went back to office. Eating fried chicken is nothing unusual but something happened to me after having lunch. I suddenly forgot my network password. It was like something stole my memory. Needless to say, my account got locked because I tried logging in several times. Have to seek helpdesk assistance in activating my account.

Yeah, that's how my day passed by in office. Went home and prepared to heat my pasta. Turned on the knob of the burner where I placed the skillet and turned on the TV to watch my favorite channel - TLC. Waited for like 15 minutes to heat and keep on mixing the pasta to warm it evenly.

I ate the pasta while watching TV and noticed that it was not warm at all. Didn't make a fuss about it. When I was washing the dishes, I realized I turned on the wrong knob hence it wasn't warming. Yay! Was using electric stove so there is no smoke or fire coming out.

How can I explain what happened to me today? Was it because of sleeping for nine hours or was it the KFC meal? :)